More than 70% of all medical decisions are made based on clinical laboratory results. Yet labs are continually pressed to lower costs and do more with less. Our dry technology products and patented enabling technologies are engineered to withstand organizational, operational, and economic stresses. So you can deliver consistently accurate results—with predictable costs—no matter the circumstances.
VITROS® XT Systems embrace digital chemistry and are powered by a new digital reflectometer, connecting your labs ecosystem better than ever before, driving your efficiency, productivity and improving the quality of care you can provide to your patients. Ortho is leading the change in what should be expected from labs' performances. Embracing Digital Chemistry has enabled Ortho to provide a solution that can meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Laboratories are constantly under pressure to produce faster, higher-quality results, even under increased demands. The VITROS® 5600 is an integrated system that brings together 5 proven technologies designed to remove the obstacles to reducing turnaround time and increasing your ability to provide meaningful results.
The VITROS® 5600 System broad menu of quality assays covers 90% of the menu needs and 99% of the testing volume for typical labs,1 with over 120 state-of-the-art assays across a broad range of disease areas.
Every day, labs like yours face the challenge of improving patient care while balancing staffing, compliance, and total operating cost containment. With proven technologies and a comprehensive chemistry menu for both routine and specialty testing, the VITROS® 4600 System is designed to help you confidently and efficiently deliver chemistry results to the physicians and patients who depend on you.
Improve your productivity—and your budget—predictably with extended calibration times, uninterrupted walkaway operation, and less required maintenance. At the same time, tailor the instrument to your lab’s workflow with adjustable thresholds for onboard inventories, calibration expirations, and diluent volumes/expirations.
Providing fast, accurate results is a necessity—even for small labs—with growing pressure to reduce errors and cut costs in the midst of increased demands and significant staffing shortages. The VITROS® 350 System is a compact chemistry system designed to be efficient, dependable, and, above all, easy to use as a primary, STAT, or backup system.
Our world-class immunoassays span all major disease categories providing actionable diagnostic insights that provide medical value for health care professionals ─ and we're committed to expanding our menu.
Clinical labs gain real benefits when workflow is automated, streamlined, and standardized with the VITROS® Automation Solutions. Versatile, effective, and reliable VITROS® automation combined with VITROS® Chemistry and Immunodiagnostic Systems delivers higher-quality results, faster than VITROS® Systems alone-and your physicians will notice the difference.
Increase security, optimize labor, and contain costs with streamlined operation of the VITROS® Systems through Instrument Manager™ middleware used with the enGen™ Automation System.
Informatics Solutions optimize labor by freeing operators’ time so they can focus on complex results and provide better service to physicians and patients. Our solutions provide several benefits to the customer: increase efficiency by user-definable autovalidation of sample results, optimize capital utilization through inventory management, maximize instrument uptime, manage multiple lab sites to standardize operations, and intelligent routing of samples, whether deployed in standalone or in VITROS® Automation Solutions environments.
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